Anonymous ID: 776fa4 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.3341501   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Well, in both pictures we can see more than one mole, and they aren't in the same places in both images despite that those positions are visible in both images, so at a glance I would say no, they're not.

Anonymous ID: 776fa4 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:23 p.m. No.3341628   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1649 >>1686 >>1777 >>1805 >>1861 >>1898



Yes. Torture is of no use to us. We aren't THEM.


We put them on trial–and the trial can be a symbolic one like Nuremberg if necessary–and then we execute them expediently. Some anons favor hanging, but I put my vote on Firing Squad. If you make yourself an enemy of our country and you attack her, then her defenders should flick you off this mortal coil using .30-06 or .308 Winchester rifle cartridges.


I would also accept their using 7.62x39 but only if fired from a Mosin Nagant.

Anonymous ID: 776fa4 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:25 p.m. No.3341656   🗄️.is đź”—kun




Planefagging is great. Once you're comfortable with using ADS-B exchange, then when you're out and about and see some military craft flying overhead you can check it out on flight radar. Made my last interstate trip really exciting, since the Marines are so goddamn busy lately there's lots to see!

Anonymous ID: 776fa4 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:29 p.m. No.3341714   🗄️.is đź”—kun



We've been keeping 1 or more Poseidons on pacific coast patrol for weeks or longer. It's reassuring to see, especially when you know that the military can turn off their transponders if they don't want to show up on ADS-B (In other words, for every one you see there could be 10 that you don't!)


One thing that's for sure–our boys are busy as FUCK right now. There are almost NEVER this many military aircraft in the sky at this hour, especially on a weeknight.

Anonymous ID: 776fa4 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:32 p.m. No.3341776   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1788 >>2154



She sees decades of treason and graft coming to a screeching, flaming halt.


She sees that she was SO CLOSE to getting away with it all, until Hitlery lost.


She sees the souls of Moscone and Milk chipping away the ground beneath her feet.


She sees torment and damnation stretching onward past the blood-red horizon as she chokes on sulfurous flames, far removed from the sight of God.

Anonymous ID: 776fa4 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:41 p.m. No.3341889   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1953



Checked! Well, the rope may have a higher initial cost, but in theory it would be re-usable many times. However, I suspect that for hygiene reasons, they probably don't reuse the hangman's noose in any state executions. I know how fucking stupid that sounds, but remember that when you're given lethal injection they administer extra drugs to prevent allergic reactions…


So, given enough re-uses, the rope would be more cost-effective, but the cost of a firing squad execution is well-justified due to its shock-and-awe effects which can help serve as a deterrent in the future. Hanging has some of that, but less of it. An unseen person pulls a lever, and the condemned takes a short drop and dies.


In a firing squad execution, the number of executioners and the number of those executioners using live rounds can vary a lot. I personally favor using 5 executioners, selected from a volunteer pool, and having 3 of the 5 use blanks. Volunteers who are chosen for this duty can specify a preference: live rounds, blanks, or either. If there are not enough volunteers in the pool that chose "live rounds" or "either" to field 3 live rounds, some of those volunteers may be dismissed and new ones selected until a proper quorum is established.


Keep in mind, the person firing the rifle will 100% know whether they fired a blank or a live round, but if the soldiers are positioned correctly, it's very difficult for anyone else to know. Thus, positions are available both for soldiers who ARE and who are NOT okay with carrying out a juridical killing.


Should the volunteer pool include 5 soldiers who chose "live rounds", that's completely OK! All this changes is that the execution is that much more likely to succeed. No one except the quartermaster corps (who work behind a double blind) and the individual executioners will know who fired real rounds and who didn't. Establishing this plausible deniability is for the protection of those participating in the execution.

Anonymous ID: 776fa4 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:46 p.m. No.3341970   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1985 >>2010 >>2030



LOL! .50BMG, or 12.7x99mm, is basically an anti-aircraft round. Rifles that shoot it are typically classified as Anti-Materiel Rifles, intended for shooting heavy equipment at extreme range. Of course, we have the glorious "Ma Deuce", the Browning M2 Heavy Machine Gun, which shoots them via linked belts!


It'll definitely function for an execution, but here's my question: do you want to be able to bury these people or not? ;) Because, executing someone with 3-7 men shooting .50 cal rifles will pretty much turn them into hamburger and red paint!

Anonymous ID: 776fa4 Oct. 4, 2018, 10:02 p.m. No.3342178   🗄️.is đź”—kun



I left out guillotines on purpose. Beheading is disgusting mutilation; behavior fit only for Saracen terrorists. No matter what they've done, these people will face their sentences with dignity and we will thereafter leave them in condition fit for burial. After they are dead, their sins are between them and God. It becomes our job to bury them in memory of the person they once were, the person they could have been, and the person their parents wished they were, before they became the person that forced us to execute them.

Anonymous ID: 776fa4 Oct. 4, 2018, 10:05 p.m. No.3342219   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Hohoho. Using 1" musket balls that can blow your leg off at the mid thigh? That's a what we call a bad day for the janitor. Plus, unlike the conical rifle projectiles that replaced them, musket balls tend to "curve" in flight, and may not end up where you aim them. Shooting smoothbores is a fun and challenging hobby, and VERY loud.