Anonymous ID: b7e6f6 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.3341373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1416 >>1422 >>1485 >>1703

Was Christine Blasey Ford voluntarily programmed by the CIA to be an imaginary victim of Brett Kavanaugh…


…who was then triggered by the word “lodestar”?


SOTN Editor’s Note: From the very beginning the staff at State of the Nation believed intuitively that Christine Blasey Ford was either (i) projecting a personal sexual assault falsely onto Brett Kavanaugh or (ii) that she was somehow programmed by the CIA’s MK-ULTRA mind control program to believe she was attacked by him.


SOTN had no proof whatsoever of this narrative but we felt strongly that one of these 2 scenarios occurred. Hence, we were pleased to come across the following article that fleshes out the skeleton of the latter scenario. In light of Ford’s broad and deep family ties and experience with the C.I.A., it’s quite likely that she really was programmed to be a false accuser.


Rick Wiles: Christine Blasey Ford’s CIA Brainwashing was Triggered by the Word ‘Lodestar’


Right Wing Watch


On his “TruNews” program last week, End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles speculated that Christine Blasey Ford, who testified that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when both were in high school, had been voluntarily brainwashed by the CIA so that she believed her allegations against Kavanaugh are true even though the assault never occurred, all as part of a wider effort to undermine President Trump.


Wiles returned to the topic on his program yesterday, suggesting that Blasey Ford may have been “triggered” to come forward with her accusations by the use of the word “lodestar” in a recent New York Times op-ed written by an anonymous senior Trump administration official about the efforts to prevent an impulsive and uninformed president from running this nation completely off the rails.


The use of the somewhat unusual word “lodestar” in the op-ed set off rampant speculation about the identity of its author, with many pointing out that Vice President Pence has been known to use that word with relative frequency. Wiles, for his part, was not interested in that question, as he focused rather on the idea that “lodestar” was a CIA “trigger word.”


After Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer used the word in a speech that he delivered about the Kavanaugh nomination yesterday, Wiles openly wondered whether its use will now cause other “MK-Ultra mind-controlled subjects” to come forward with more false allegations against Kavanaugh in the coming days.


“With mind-control, you have to have a trigger mechanism,” Wiles said. “It’s a word, a phrase, that triggers the hypnotic state so that whatever was planted in the mind of a person through hypnosis is triggered when they heard a trigger word … Maybe ‘lodestar’ is what triggered Dr. Ford and these other women to come forward with these wild, crazy accusations.”


“What happened today?” he continued. “Charles Schumer sticks the word ‘lodestar’ into a speech on the floor of the Senate. So, if we’re right, then in the next day or two, there is going to be a new flurry of accusations, there is going to be something bizarre coming out; something really bizarre is going to happen.”

Anonymous ID: b7e6f6 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:22 p.m. No.3341614   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good Job! Washington Angered Enough Countries to Provoke a Joint Response to Its Sanction War


Lately, an ever increasing number of states started expressing their dissatisfaction with Washington’s protectionist policies, thus forming a group states that are determined to oppose unfair trade practices on the international stage. Therefore, there’s little surprise that the UN general assembly in New York turned into a show of solidarity against the White House and what it stands for on 25 September. The frustration of various states over Washington’s unilateral withdrawal from the Iran deal (JCPOA), turned this state into a symbol of an opposition to dubious policies introduced by the Trump administration and its unilateralism.


It’s been pointed out by Wirtschaftswoch that the rift between Washington and Brussels on Iran came on the back of a trade war Donald Trump started with Europe and China. It resulted in a number of European states trying to search for ways to bypass Washington’s newly reintroduced anti-Iranian sanctions.


Could this be to destroy the old system?

And bring on the 'Quantum Financial System'.?

Anonymous ID: b7e6f6 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:38 p.m. No.3341857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2015 >>2146

Yemeni Ambassador Calls on Russia, US to Urge Houthis to Join Peace Talks


Russia and the United States should have a unified and tough message to the Yemeni rebel Houthi movement, calling on it to sit at the negotiating table, Ambassador of Yemen to the United States Ahmed Awad Bin Mubarak told Sputnik.


"I think they [Russia and the United States] need to keep a unified strong message to the Houthis that there is no compromises, the only way to resolve the Yemeni problem is the Security Council resolution, they have to come to the table, and that they will not accept any excuses from them… I think having this unified strong message from Russia and the United States is very important," Mubarak said.


Yemen is grateful to Russia for its support for the country's legitimate government and for unifying the world around one position on the Yemeni issue, Ambassador of Yemen told Sputnik.


"We appreciate the Russian support to the legitimate government and their understanding for the main causes. I think they know more than others the roots of the problem in Yemen… We do appreciate all the support to the special envoy [of the United Nations, Martin Griffiths] and also to the Yemeni government and also pushing the international community and unifying international voice towards one opinion," Mubarak said.


The ambassador noted that Yemen would appreciate more aid and more economic contribution from Russia.


"I think that will be highly appreciated, open up Russia for the Yemeni students and give hope to the Yemeni young people, I think that is something will be very positive. In the end, the problem in Yemen is economical, I think finding jobs for Yemenis, opportunities, open up window for Yemenis to travel and to exchange thoughts, I think this is the only way how to defeat the extremist ideology," the diplomat suggested.

Anonymous ID: b7e6f6 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:40 p.m. No.3341873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1892 >>2015 >>2146

Soros-Funded Threatens ‘Direct Action’ in D.C., Preps ‘Emergency Campaign’ to Stop Brett Kavanaugh


Activist Robert Reich, who served as Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Labor, sent out a blast email on behalf of on Thursday asking for donations to fund “MoveOn’s emergency campaign to stop Brett Kavanaugh.”


In the email,, which has been massively backed by billionaire George Soros, warned the group’s anti-Kavanaugh plot is set to include “direct actions in Washington, D.C., at Senate office buildings, including busing in constituents from key states.”


The radical organization also wrote in the email it was planning to:


Escalate pressure on key senators, especially Susan Collins. Collins is the key swing vote in this process, and MoveOn is continuing to lift up stories from her constituents, support direct actions in Maine, and purchase ads in her state calling for her to stand with survivors, defend reproductive rights, and stop Kavanaugh.


Hold Republicans accountable. We will not forget their party’s actions at last week’s hearing, their unwavering support for Kavanaugh, and their attempts to discredit Dr. Blasey Ford and others when we head to the ballot box in five weeks. Ending GOP control of Congress and electing people who believe survivors. We will end GOP control of Congress and elect people who believe survivors and listen to women—because the fight for our fundamental rights is essential.


“Will you chip in $3 right now and help support MoveOn’s emergency campaign to stop Brett Kavanaugh?” the email asked.


The blast email smeared Kavanaugh as an “accused sexual predator and right-wing anti-woman, anti-LGBTQ partisan.”


“If this isn’t a sham investigation, I don’t know what is,” Reich wrote of the wrapped-up FBI investigation which Democrats themselves had demanded despite the Senate already taking statements from key individuals.


“In less than a week, Trump, McConnell, and Kavanaugh have managed to make a mockery of the Senate, the FBI, and the Supreme Court,” Reich complained.


The ideologue did not mention accusations that the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), deliberately held back for weeks Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation and then deployed the charges for political purposes.


“Beyond that, this charade is an insult to the women of America,” Reich added, failing to mention that the news media’s publication of Ford’s name seemingly doxed Kavanaugh’s female accuser against her wishes. has taken center stage in opposing Kavanaugh, leading a #StopKavanaugh campaign aimed at mobilizing supporters to call their senators in opposition to Kavanaugh’s nomination.


On Saturday, Politico reported on progressive groups, including, making a “last-minute push to stop Kavanaugh.”


Besides funding from Soros, has also been financed by the Tides Foundation, a leftwing sponsorship organization that has itself received donations from Soros and has partnered with Soros’s Open Society Foundations.

Anonymous ID: b7e6f6 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:41 p.m. No.3341894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1957 >>2015 >>2146

Daines: I Told Kavanaugh I’ll Be There To Vote For Him ‘As Needed’


On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox News @ Night,” Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) stated that he told Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh that he will be there to vote for him “as needed.”


Daines said, “I just spoke with Judge Kavanaugh. I gave him a call tonight. Because the news was out there that — about the wedding. … I said, Judge Kavanaugh, I’m going to be there to vote for you as needed.”


He added, “My goal this weekend is to walk my daughter down the aisle and to see a new United States Supreme Court justice put on our court.”


Daines further stated, “Votes are held open all the time on the floor of the US Senate, once a vote is called. There have been some extenuating circumstances, you can back in time and history and see where they’ve had to hold the vote open for a member to come back and cast their vote.”

Anonymous ID: b7e6f6 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:43 p.m. No.3341918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1943 >>2015 >>2018 >>2146

Plane Standing By to Transport Sen. Daines to Senate if Needed for Kavanaugh Confirmation Vote


Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) spoke with Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Thursday evening to assure the judge that he will there in the U.S. Senate on Saturday if his vote is needed to confirm Kavanaugh as the next Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Breitbart News has learned.


Daines’ daughter’s wedding is on Saturday, and he intends to walk her down the aisle at her wedding. But if needed, as Breitbart News has learned per a source close with Sen. Daines, the senator has assured Kavanaugh that there is a plane standing by to transport him to the U.S. Senate to confirm Kavanaugh on Saturday night.