Anonymous ID: c6112c Oct. 4, 2018, 9:15 p.m. No.3341495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1517 >>1566 >>1596 >>1620 >>1706 >>1721 >>2015 >>2146

Honored to be in this bread.




The Clintons BOTH [BC] and Hillary are Chinese OPS.


1996 [BC] gets donations from China, defends against it calling China a.. “Former Communist country like Russia”..


You guys.. it keeps getting better and I have just touched the surface..


Here is what I am thinking the larger “thread” is to things. Our nation was sold out to China. They have infiltrated damn near everything about us. Is Darpa a Chinese rouge agency in our country? Turned out Google and Facebook..


Then you have the conspiracy to fix the elections, then cover up for what they did.. the financiers, perps.. etc..


You have all the shit that has been in the shadows that was the perps secret life filled with debatchery and absolute sin.. and the levels they would go to so they could continue living such a wretched life..


Got it. Lets kick some ass now!

Anonymous ID: c6112c Oct. 4, 2018, 9:26 p.m. No.3341672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1772


I did not know that was their take on it. I live in and around Asian land owners, they came in and bought places in foreclosure or on the cheap.. some live in China (came here to invest in property to escape the chinese currency devaluation) and I dunno.. I don’t like it one bit. They are nothing nice. I am not saying all are like that, but the ones I deal with are.

Anonymous ID: c6112c Oct. 4, 2018, 9:51 p.m. No.3342035   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Holy shit.. I had no idea! I did not hear of the Vietnamese Pres being related to this.. and that would be why the worldwide push to stop MAGA is so intense.. I mean there are so damn many fascets to it!!. You just jogged my memory.. watch this video if you would like, play it in the background.


Was all about the WCB (western central banks) doing what they did here, raise us up, take us out, sell us out, and move their system to China which they have been working on since the 60’s? 70’s? Zibignew would try to work on Carter..


So I guess what we can take on this is.. that the Clintons EARLY on.. possibly before marriage? Were put on the path to do what they did. The Bush’s were good, cold.. effective.. but the Clintons were just such good BULLSHITTERS and had such a disgusting following that they could be more effective than the Bush’s who were more in the shadows types.. Clintons were more effective because they could corrupt ANYONE.. or have them killed. A political BULLDOSING Crime Family.


I am expanding on my digging.. dude it was their whole presidency (they as in Hillary was JUST as much the president as [BC] was.


They had all kinds of problems with the Chinese and campaign contributions or meetings that were scandalous.


More digs coming..

Anonymous ID: c6112c Oct. 4, 2018, 10:04 p.m. No.3342197   🗄️.is 🔗kun




AND.. the talk of “it is a sad day in America when a young man can be blamed for something HORRIBLE.. and it is NOT true” talk makes me think Femanism is about to get knocked the FUCK OUT!