Anonymous ID: 3f5b09 Oct. 4, 2018, 10:14 p.m. No.3342331   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3342035 (pb)


Thanks for the link to the radio show. I'm listening now.


I too would suspect this plan was hatched long before the 1980s… the people who have told me what they (think they) know probably just couldn't remember back much further than that. At some level, this was probably the plan ever since the Rots got Mao started back in the 30s.


I'd think that the reasons the cabal would want China to run the NWO (at least, key parts of it) include


  • by IQ, the Han race is among the smartest in the world

  • the Chinese, by nature, follow instructions to a 'T' and do not question authority

  • Communist education has taught the Chinese that they have a legitimate axe to grind with the West; that reigning over the world is something China rightfully deserves

  • the Chinese lack creativity, hence they won't be tempted to tinker with the cabal's plan. They're essentially worker bees that do what they are told/programmed to do.


Everything was going to plan for them until November 2016. Coverage re: Trump in Asia is decidedly negative. Obongo/HRC are idolized.