Anonymous ID: 6e81b4 US Ambassador warns NZ not to trust China Oct. 5, 2018, 12:37 a.m. No.3343648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3676 >>3988

US Ambassador warns NZ not to trust China


‘The United States Ambassador to New Zealand says we should be wary of China's growing influence here.

New Zealand is a small country caught in a gravitational pull between the world's two superpowers, China and the United States, both of which have a strong influence over the Government's foreign policy approach.

US Ambassador Scott Brown believes New Zealand should look to the US as a more trusted ally than China. He answered questions from Kiwis on RadioLIVE on Wednesday morning, where he defended the United States' history of perceived international meddling.’


From an older post-

NZ labelled 'soft underbelly' of Five Eyes spy network in Canadian report


‘For the second time in a week, New Zealand has been singled out as a soft target for Chinese influence.

Last week, a Senator and ex-CIA analyst told a US congressional hearing New Zealand politicians are receiving "major" donations from China, which has "gotten very close to or inside the political core".’


Plus additional links on the page–


1 - Former CIA analyst says New Zealand should be kicked out of Five Eyes alliance


‘A United States Congress hearing has been told New Zealand politicians are receiving "major" donations from China, with one former CIA analyst suggesting we be kicked out of the Five Eyes alliance.

Senator James Talent alleged at the hearing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has "gotten very close to or inside the political core" of both New Zealand and Australia. He claimed he's heard allegations of "Beijing-linked political donors buying access and influence with party politicians" to incentivise the country to "parrot its line on issues it deems important".’


2 - Hillary Clinton warns of Chinese influence in New Zealand

This link no longer exists and now re-directs to the third link.


3) China's influence over New Zealand at 'critical level' - academic


‘A New Zealand academic is warning that China's influence over this country is at a "critical level".

University of Canterbury professor Anne-Marie Brady is urging the Government to act to protect the country against foreign interference.

In a policy brief published today, Ms Brady warns: "New Zealand - along with other nations - is being targeted by a concerted interference campaign by the People's Republic of China (PRC). The campaign aims to gain support for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) by co-opting political and economic elites."’


Additional links -

National Party MP Jian Yang refutes 'Chinese spy' claim


then – (same day?)

National Party MP Jian Yang admits training spies


‘National Party MP Dr Jian Yang has admitted training Chinese spies so they could monitor other countries' communications - but refused to say whether this included New Zealand.

Dr Yang spoke at a press conference on Wednesday, after allegations he had studied and taught at an alleged spy school before moving to New Zealand.

He denied ever being a spy and denied ever having intelligence training, but admitted teaching students English to help them with their spying activities.’

Anonymous ID: 6e81b4 NZ - FVEY & Russian narrative Oct. 5, 2018, 12:56 a.m. No.3343745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3988

The FVEY nations had a little get together in April to plan the recent Russian narrative.


Jacinda Ardern meets with Five Eyes leaders over Russia


‘The Prime Minister has attended a top-level intelligence meeting in London to discuss growing international tensions with Russia.

The meeting of countries belonging to the Five Eyes network was a late addition to Jacinda Ardern's European tour.

She sat down with her British, Australian and Canadian counterparts amid accusations of Russian interference on millions of computers around the world.

The FBI in the US and GCHQ in the UK have warned against Russian attempts to hijack computers and internet routers around the world.’


Personal opinion -

Ms Jacinda Ardern is just the latest PM instalment. Before her was the short term former PM Mr Bill English and before him the Hussein golfing buddy former PM Sir John Key. Sir John Key upgraded the NZ GCSB spy capabilities, tapped into the Southern Cross Cable (which handles close to 100% of NZ traffic) and altered the NZ laws to enable the GCSB to spy on NZ citizens/residents/visitors in conjunction with the NZ SIS. All done at the request of Hussein/HRC.


Let’s not forget former PM Ms Helen Clark (Ms Ardern’s mentor) who became an administrator of the United Nations Development Program (Haiti!) and ran for the top job of UN Secretary General. Her latest book ‘Women, Equality, Power.’ is basically a HRC “Why I Lost’ type blaming the UN for not wanting a ‘strong woman’ in charge. Of course it couldn’t possibly be payback for how she’d continued to do what she’d always done in NZ Parliament and sent her ruthless ‘woman in grey’ permanent sidekick and enforcer Heather Simpson to kneecap any opposition, colleges or dissenters to her personal agenda. Ms Jacinda Ardern is a socialist ideologue like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and while very dangerous she’s nothing compared to Ms Clark who’s a very practical socialist. This makes her infinitely more worrisome as she’s returned to NZ to ‘oversee’ her protégé’ and is constantly meddling in NZ affairs. Like Hussein she can’t stand the thought of losing personal power.


There are times that I truly feel that NZ needs to suffer the fate of Venezuela so that we never go there again, but of course this is the ‘time of the endgame’. Technology is so great that there’d be no more second chances. We either Win or we Lose forever.


I very much hope that they’re tagged as Cabal Enemy Combatants and that there’s tiny wee cells waiting for them all in Gitmo, or even the secondary prison that's been built. I'd prefer Gitmo though.


Come and get them Q-team.