Anonymous ID: 9d6c44 Oct. 4, 2018, 11:56 p.m. No.3343415   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3450 >>3559 >>3619 >>3639 >>3645 >>3669 >>3686 >>3700

>>3343194 pb

yup. yup. yup.


I have never told anyone this, not in its entirety, not ever. but here it is, clear as day.


standing on tiny island in the pacific north west, same old same old, looking at all the channels islands and hills, the two people i was with were facing me, just all relaxing and talking and BAM, glowing orange meteor but not quite, like a glow around a glow, (had never heard the term wheel within a wheel at this point in "time") and without the smoke, or explosion, shooting straight at me, straight, head on, and RIGHT when it "feels" like it's about to crash dead center into my face, it IMMEDIATELY, and i mean INSTANTANEOUSLY shoots straight DOWN, 90 degree pivot from what looked like 1000 miles an hour for all i know, DOWN into and UNDER the water, like a knife through butter or a plane into a cloud, just GULP, swallowed up into the see almost like IT saw ME see IT and was like OH SHIT! kek best way to put it. and no splash really, not a 1000 mile an hour tidal wave splash anyway. and that was it. all within probably less than one full second. i litterally said "you guys didn't just see that. did you." not even a question, like i knew from that second no one would ever believe a word of it. until now.


AND, this is where shit gets a little fuzzy, and even fucking more outlandish, but why the hell not, "What have you got to lose?"


a few days later, (i think) i am back at my house, not all that far from said islands as the bird flies, i go to pass out, and just like the mother fucking x files i swear on everything, i spent countless hours researching possibilities of seeing the northern lights from location and window but this window was even facing south and this PNW area you don't see the stars but maybe a month out of any given year, but the whole sky started glowing green, not neon green, not lime green, not forest green, a green i've yet to ever see again, but what i always take (kind of hope..) the northen lights to be, already being an X files buff at this point i just keep thinking NO NO NO i'm gonna get sucked out the window like Mulder's sister, and i ran into room and shut the door, and that's where it ends. everytime, relived these moments countless times, same exact thing every time.


to top it all off, i go to school the next day, we had life size calendar for every month lining the walls of the classroom, little clear pockets you put the number cards for the date in, i just stood there looking around because the calendar was filled halfway around the room and it was now 1996. last i KNEW it was fall of 95. and i mean i KNEW, if youve ever gone on a near death alcohol or drug bender and lost days and find out its really a week later, you know the scared shitless most confused youve ever been in your life where the fuck am i how did i get here am i even me feeling im talking about.


to this day, i look for weird happenings around 95-96, CERN activity, news, military, anything and everything to try to scape goat some possibility to make myself not sound crazy, including searching reports of meteors.


i swear to god, on my life, this is all fact. take it however you may, but if you think i could possibly make all that up, i am not that creative or original and do not know anyone that is.

Anonymous ID: 9d6c44 Oct. 5, 2018, 12:15 a.m. No.3343533   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I NEVER get the flu shot no matter what, never get the flu, not one time. same with my old man. he got it once mandated by his work or something and ended up getting swine flu that season.

I can't remember the term for this but every time I ever got a tetanus shot, instead of the whole area obviously being sorer than fuck for a few days, I get massive muscle wasting from the injection site through the entire muscle they stick it in. every single time shits so bad I forgo tetanus shots entirely even in the e.r. if it literally looked like a might lockjaw situation I would make them shoot it in an ass cheek or somewhere else, my left shoulder literally cant take another one. took me like 3 years of resistance training to free it up and make it not look like someone took a filet knife to my lateral and rear delt.


i'm one of those, what ever side effect listed on the bottle I have a 110% chance of landing.


Anonymous ID: 9d6c44 Oct. 5, 2018, 12:38 a.m. No.3343653   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3659


thank you for that. I think ive looked into this one before actually. I always wonder what the possible worldly side effects are of messing with this shit. intended or unintended..

and if it actually did split dimensions "time" or otherwise alter Our "reality", would we know?

would weird ass time lapse phenemnoa be a presentation?


i really hope Q throws us deep fringe quasi timetrepenuers whatever we ares a bone on all this deep interdimensional-multiuniversal-ness eventually.


and anything that looks like this humans aint go no business fucking with. Tesla maybe, but not people like fucking bezos and shit.


if philo pharnsworth could make a glaxay in a vacuum inside an immense monopolar dielectric field, and create a stable enough star inside one that he hoped to manipulate it through space as a way to aid mechanical manufacturing processes, directing it through metal boring holes, fabrication etc, what in gods name is really going on at CERN??

Anonymous ID: 9d6c44 Oct. 5, 2018, 12:51 a.m. No.3343714   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3769 >>3811


well not so much a year, from my best figuring time tables and all im looking at like 4 months ish? maybe longer. but see that's where it breaks down into something ive yet to understand, without trying to reach to far out here, the best thing I could equate it to is the time I am missing, was / would be extra time to everyone else, not that I was gone and they were here, or I was here and don't remember, but almost a sense of , like a bizarre dream where time transcends time, where you go on a journey so vivid, so real, so long, that when you finally wake up it seems like a life time yet only a fleeting glimpse all at once.


honestly, kind of like Men in Black 3, "Why do I remember K but no one else does?" "Woah, WOAH, that means you were THERE, when you get back you gotta find me and tell me everything." and then he does all sorts of crazy time hopping what not and ends up getting sucked back into his own head in a way at the end and it never happened yet all the effects or the events prior still took place, without ever happening, or ceasing to happenโ€ฆ


to this day, my ex and parents could tell you, without knowing the reasons behind it the two sentences "some weird shit happened in 96" or "95-96โ€ฆ was a weird year, mannn" should be my catch phrase and calling card.


I know this all sounds 100% batshit crazy, but with the shit I have seen and learned since I saw Q pop up last October, honestly, would not surprise me one bit.

Anonymous ID: 9d6c44 Oct. 5, 2018, 12:58 a.m. No.3343752   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3774


well shit, that's a new one, or 2, know what ill be playing in the background tomorrow.


dont know bout the rest of yall but i cant even watch a full movie or hardly part of one without either jumping back on here, into a dig, or even just researching hidden electrical engineering or something, anything i yet to know or comprehend.


those who know can't sleep?

shit Q those who know can't do anything BUT this.


and i wouldn't have it any other way.

Anonymous ID: 9d6c44 Oct. 5, 2018, 1:35 a.m. No.3343898   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


right?? before I broke up with my ex-shill she was getting pissed off every day like you know this is all you talk about right?

im like its damn near all I talked about before Q even started, of course now that we actually have a fighting chance at exposing all the shit weve known for years DAMN RIGHT its all im talking about.

Anonymous ID: 9d6c44 Oct. 5, 2018, 1:50 a.m. No.3343982   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4002 >>4011 >>4017

tappin' out on another glorious night shift, catch y'all on the flip side my fellow Incarnated Extraterrestrials.



i'd like to watch your bitch ass TRY to say that to ANY WWII vet on this planet.

even one in a wheelchair would rip your little punk ass throat out with one Patriotic hand.

you have no place in Our new republic, filtered shillcunt.


pray We, or any true red blooded Patriots ever cross your path. dumbfuck.

Anonymous ID: 9d6c44 Oct. 5, 2018, 1:57 a.m. No.3344021   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

good to know the c[]a clocks in at 4:45am EST, to all you clown pieces of shit, dig your set places in hell just a little deeper, please, only harm YOU can accomplish here is to yourselves.