Anonymous ID: c53520 Oct. 5, 2018, 1:48 a.m. No.3343973   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3989 >>3994 >>4015 >>4039 >>4044 >>4057

Uhhh… Anons..


What happened 21yrs ago? The Clintons moved into the Whitehouse. They abused every rule on the book. They did not care for the US one bit. They were out to make money, sell out the US, and ultimately set the US up for their dictatorship. I found out that the minute they stepped into the Whitehouse it was a free-for-them type situation (remember them stealing shit from the Whitehouse when they moved out? White Trash Niggers.


Tonights digs into Feinstein, and into [BC]/Hillary have come up with a time period where the FBI was doing their jobs.


1997 is the year and they were actually investigating crimes in government, many many many crimes.. one of said investigations was looking into the donations by China into BOTH Feinstein and [BC] (separate cases) by separate Chinese “associates”.. (and at least 5 others in Senate elections in 1996).


Clintons were up to their eyeballs in problems taking bribes, giving government favors. So Feinstein switched up her game as far as talking to China herself, she hired an assistant who would be the bridge between her and China, so she didn’t have to be directly connected. This assistant would go on to be doxxed as a Chinese spy, and was by her side for 20 yrs..


Big issues for the Clintons as well.


What happened in 1997 though.. [BC] took contributions to campaign and had to return a lot of the money. One amount was $600,000 alone.


They could not be loosing the money like this.


THUS.. they establish the Clinton Foundation as a way to hide their payoffs from other countries for nefarious deeds. During this time, they moved around the campaign rules “Colorado Republican Federal Campaign Committee v. FEC, in which the Court ruled that Congress could not restrict the total amount of "independent expenditures" made by a political party without coordination with a candidate, invalidating a FECA provision that restricted how much a political party could spend in connection with a particular candidate.[40] As a result of these rulings, soft money effectively enabled parties and candidates to circumvent FECA's limitations on federal election campaign contributions.[41]”


They were bound by the laws of the United States (they never were not.. buuuuut..) and by establishing the Clinton Foundation it gave them a “front” to be able to launder the money. THUS they were able to start to dismantle the United States of America. And they did so with strategic, spy, economic, etc information that was priceless for the American People’s prosperity.


As I have been digging, the story is coming together. They did it out of necessity due to the investigations into their dubious deeds.


FBIANON said to dig into the Clinton Foundation. That this was the center hub to it all.


It REALLY is. Reason the past is so relevant is that it isn’t all about the election, all their sick and twisted shit they have been involved in will likely not be what they fall for. It will be the recent most criminality.. TREASON against the American people they will go down because of.


All of Qs breadcrumbs have all pieced together the picture. Makes me think the 40% we are told we will learn (better be 99.9% damnit!!) is going to be around the election and how all the players fit together.


The reason China/Facebook set up Building 8 was to control the US population, the reason Facebook was created to get a full picture of who we are so they could come in and black-bag us in the middle of the night Commie China style. It is all for the central banks to take their system to China and set up and run the same game on them.. we were just food for the machine. We weren’t supposed to be able to fight back and regain control. They did not want us to succeed or to prosper. They think less of us than a farm animal for butcher..


As far as I am concerned.. FUCK CHINA.