Anonymous ID: 4d700b Oct. 5, 2018, 3:44 a.m. No.3344408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian Deputy Attorney General Saak Albertovich Karapetyan was reportedly flying on an unauthorized helicopter flight on Wednesday when it crashed near the village of Vonyshevo, outside of Moscow.


The top investigator was fired for "unauthorized clandestine behavior," and allegations of bribery and breaching secrecy laws. The Swiss authorities discovered that the officer, identified only as Victor K., had met Karapetyan in Geneva and Zurich. Some time before Christmas 2016, Karapetyan called the man and invited him to Moscow, where the Russian government put him up in a luxury hotel and asked to attend a meeting with Veselnitskaya.


It's believed that this the meeting concerned the fallout from the death of Magnitsky, who had been working to expose a massive fraud that implicated the Kremlin when he was incarcerated, beaten, and left to die. In the aftermath of his death, the lawyer’s client, Bill Browder, campaigned to enact a series of anti-corruption laws all over the world in his name.


In one of the most high-profile incidents involving Karapetyan, the one-time prosecutor was reportedly involved in an incident where two British detectives were poisoned while investigating the death of Alexander Litvinenko, a former FSB agent and Russian defector.


Karapetyan and Veselnitskaya also worked together on another job linked to Magnitsky, where US authorities brought a civil case against a company called Prevezon for purportedly helping to launder the proceeds from the fraud that Magnitsky had uncovered.


But Prevezon refused to cooperate in the probe, which the Daily Beast said forced the US law enforcement authorities to settle the case. Prevezon agreed to pay $5.9 million, but it did not admit any role in laundering the proceeds of the fraud.