Anonymous ID: 58a12e Oct. 5, 2018, 4 a.m. No.3344485   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I will admit it was a quite strange how Grenada had a sudden change of government when their prime minister Eric Gairy, back in 1977, decided he would give a speech at the UN about extraterrestrial life and the UFOs he believed to be ET craft flying about his island.


As I recall, by the time Gairy reached the UN, he had already been deposed in a coup, hence his request to address the assembly was not granted.


This was in the days when Mercury/Gemini astronaut Gordon Cooper was also giving talks at the UN on the subject… based on Q's "we're not alone" drop, perhaps some of the things Cooper and Gairy were wanting out in the open, will finally see the light of day.