Anonymous ID: 96bea6 Oct. 5, 2018, 3:26 a.m. No.3344355   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Personal Perspective on The Great Awakening:

The paths I’ve traveled in my Mind, Body and Soul, have sent me down many unique roads fraught with a myriad of twists, turns and unforeseen obstacles. Yet, each has inevitably led me to the same Awakening and Discovery of Gods plan for Us. For God has always wanted Us to Stand United Together and Bravely face-down all of the deception, evil and chaos in the world as we Boldly Claim,


‘You will never hijack my Faith, you will never steal my Freedom, you will never pull me from the realization that God walks with me Step In Step. No matter the atrocities you throw at me, no matter the horrendous lies I am forced to bear witness to, no matter how dark the day may seem; My Faith will not Waver, my Knees will not Buckle, your falsehoods will not lead me astray. For I Know that I AM ONE with GOD, with Courage Engulfing my Body, Love Flooding my Soul and Truth Immersing my Mind. When you, the darkness of this world attempts to glare me down; know that Gods Light and Unlimited Power Stares back at you through these very Eyes.’


Thank You All, for everything you have done for/with Us. Standing at the Ready…

Dark to Light