Anonymous ID: 9e1efc Oct. 5, 2018, 2:30 a.m. No.3344151   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thanks [RR] ?


Antifa gets away with violent crime, meanwhile these men get 5 years for self defense. They had a permit. The Mayor had the police push them into Antifa.


I remember reactionary far-right politics originated as a response to white males being actively marginalized, pathologized, and dehumanized by intellectual attacks originating from the political left. Over time it was noticed there was Jewish over-representation among the ones doing the hateful rhetoric. As large numbers of people started specifically naming this phenomena there was a certain paranoid over-reaction from the ones being called out.

This is why you have wealthy Wall Street Jews using ProPublica to target and destroy 4 guys for attending a political protest simply because of their alleged anti-Semitism. That's exactly what happened, a publication run by various Jewish venture capitalists doxxed 4 guys from California then put in a call to the traitorous Rod Rosenstein to drum up an FBI hit.

I really don't know how you can frame this situation as anything other than Jewish elites antagonizing and then conducting government oppression of a group of white males.