Anonymous ID: cfa189 Oct. 5, 2018, 4:43 a.m. No.3344676   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is it Q. You’ve doubled down and you’ve gone ALL IN! The thing is this. You’ve taken us ‘all in’ with you. Mind, body, soul and spirit. You know that, right? If this doesn’t happen it’s going to be bad all the way around.


Our families and friends who are holding out hope that we’re not crazy and that tell us every day, “I hope you’re right!” are out on this limb too.


This is indeed the greatest movement in US history and yes, the anon nation is ready. So too are all of the patriots who are still unaware of The Q-nation.


Prayers for all of us. From a former Airnorne patriot who has your back (and would love to help you write the book), WWG1WGA! JFK started what you must finish. Say the word and we’ll be there.


Anons? It’s time. If Q’s post is real, it’s time. It’s what this last year has been all about. Stay safe, stay aware. Make sure your pantry is full and your powder is dry. There are going to be many bewildered people and we’re going to have to help. We see them marching hysterically through the Senate Building halls already. Seriously.


God Bless POTUS and team. God Bless us all.


Let’s do this sir.

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