President Donald Trump arrives at the White House after a Rally in Minneapolis: 10/4/18
Laughing about the TP on his shoe…kek!
President Donald Trump arrives at the White House after a Rally in Minneapolis: 10/4/18
Laughing about the TP on his shoe…kek!
Just noticed the tagline for the photo is wrong…Getty put the wrong state,
Shoulda caught it…sorry
let's talk about 'THE ELEPHANTS IN THE ROOM
Fein being called out…good…PLAYBOOK need to be EXPOSED…(((they))) have destroyed enough lives.
Fun to watch the older congresspersons actually have to get INVOLVED and INVEST emotion for the people.
They are not used to it…TIME TO DO YOUR JOBS…under NEW MANAGEMENT.
protect American citizens…at HOME and abroad
IMPORTANT to note…
THEIR plan backfired…bug time.
Haven't they figured out all their plans are ours?