Anonymous ID: 56763a Oct. 5, 2018, 5:56 a.m. No.3345055   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Glad to hear it. I felt sad for you since you can't get 'excited' when a naked woman is in your presence. Happy to hear you finally found a way to get 'excited' and I'll let PETA know about your recent change (pic related). Cheers mate..

Anonymous ID: 56763a Oct. 5, 2018, 6:31 a.m. No.3345408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

See how this works. It's an above-board and legal way to pay for graft, receipt of political influence, lobbying efforts etc.


To prepare for the day she's needed, the cabal makes Amy Schumer the 'it girl' - (who just happens to be the neice of Chuck), who due to her 'prodigious natural ability' to act and with her gift of humor (earns, wink, wink) is given choice movie roles and lucrative standup routines that a thousand more qualified actresses are seeking. Then the cabal's fake tabloids give her the exposure, which leads to more acting roles all which help create a bigger (party authentic, but still brainwashed) fan base.


However, when a sensitive political SJW issue comes into play where you can be used, say 'standing up for women who have been sexually assaulted' - or some other nonsense, today one that coincides with a protest against Justice Kavanaugh, your number is called.


You now have ample money to fly out, book a room and be part of the protest for as long as needed. At night you sleep at five-star hotels or your celebrity pal's mansions. 'Protesting' becomes your current acting gig. Then the cabal networks and cable fake news, also comped, receive their 4am instructions to allocate central coverage on your presence and eventual 'arrest' which helps keep people engaged/enraged and believing it's a popular movement.


Simultaneously, Senator Chuckie runs opposition on the hill, using your protests as evidence that the people desire his obstruction in the confirmation process.


When the next issue arrives….rinse and repeat. Througout the whole process nobody ever sees a Soros' dollar change hands. Astroturf protests 101.