more like he saw the writing on the wall
the smart ones are scared
the stupid puppets high on drugs and god knows what
dont seem to see it coming or are drinking it away
more like he saw the writing on the wall
the smart ones are scared
the stupid puppets high on drugs and god knows what
dont seem to see it coming or are drinking it away
anon look at the writing on the wall
they are terrified
when will it happen ?
who knows
but they got like 4-5 months left tops if even that
welcome to america
where you cant tell the politicians from the mafia goons
they have to go back
life isnt some game where you have to fuck over other people to get the most sheckels
they think it is
these people are stupid
pet cow no eat cow
doesnt mean that the jewish elite are innocent
or the vatican
those on top are pure evil
they do it for israel too
there might really be starving people in russia
but its a way to fleece conservative christians out of money
sometimes the problem is that people are just too damn nice and trusting
barfs rapidly