Anonymous ID: 37a0ce Oct. 5, 2018, 7:20 a.m. No.3345993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have connection to police and fire info in Chicago. They have allocated tons of outside resources (ambulances and decon units) and they have canceled all furlough for personell in anticipation of riots from Laquan McDonald verdict.

Timing is unusual! Red flags!


Yes maybe…but if a jury is still deliberating how can you make such a bold statement and assume? Facebook group Intel? It is raining there today and I'm interested to see if the jury will come to a conclusion at a time when people won't want to be outside acting like morons.

On the same token I'm curious to see the narrative shift if Kavanaugh approved. They need something to say other than " oh darn we will try harder next time". I'm thinking CNN planning to cut to massive riot because "police shooting of black teen".

Q has given us the ability to see the future maybe!

MSM narrative!