I'd like to interrupt the digging for a moment –I HOPE this becomes a topic in Q's drops, as well!!
Las Vegas Redpill:
These videos will take just over an hour to complete (top to bottom). Save the images for future reading if need-be (even the graphic one –it is important) but PLEASE take the time to watch these.
https:// youtu.be/nJObHoe0m6s
https:// youtu.be/uTmzdD0XGuU
https:// youtu.be/RUTGoZpNodc
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FDqpyc4p18
https:// youtu.be/K6tp6V1i-m4
https:// youtu.be/wyhbCrHLiQ8
The videos on this channel will take some time to get through but this guy is likely to have his stuff deleted due to FBI actively trying to silence him. I am going to get them backed up soon –just in case (((they))) succeed.
Playlist is Las Vegas Investigation
https:// www.youtube.com/user/prepare333/playlists