Anonymous ID: 14ad0f Oct. 5, 2018, 8:09 a.m. No.3346838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6906


>I know WI anons aren't all pleased about FoxConn (me included) but I think they will be making more than televisions there once it's built.


>Make America Great Again includings

>MAKING America Great Again.

>We get our manufacturing back.

>We get a variety of jobs to skills back.


>Oh sweet Jesus, I love this POTUS, pray for him several times a day.

>I can't believe how lucky we are!

>Or how close we came to losing everything.

Amen. God bless the USA and all of its good people around the world.


We should make sure that all electronics that wil be used by the Fed, State or local governments, departments or agencies is produced 100% in the USA. Will be hard in the short term but it will bring back hundreds of thousands of jobs back to America and stop the cash drain from America to other countries.

I do place exception on allowing strong and consistent American allies such as Japan who are wary of Chinese (and others) sabotage and spying to continue supply America with electronic products and other.


But any other country that has demonstrated hostility to America whether overtly or covertly needs to get the Thors Hammer treatment. You Screw with America you get all that you deserve.