Anonymous ID: 3b04ee Oct. 5, 2018, 8:35 a.m. No.3347210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7237 >>7245 >>7253 >>7259 >>7262 >>7267 >>7300 >>7312 >>7333 >>7380 >>7398 >>7411

Going to drop this now… feels like the right time.


I received this in the mail around July 4th. As you can see from pics it’s postmarked June 29th.


Note the Q on the back of the envelope. Interestingly, the only (you) I have received from Q was when I asked if NK news was a Boom.


I am honestly not sure if this was Qteam sending me a personalized message, and have leaned towards NO…


The reason for this is there’s someone who knew my personal information (name) from years ago, and went batshit crazy after the election. They know I post about Q prolifically. They live around an hour and a half from San Jose (postmarked)… so that would mean they had to cyberstalk me and find my address and then drove 3 hours so that the postmark would not be from their locale.


I have never alluded to receiving this letter to the online stalker… and I thought for sure in the past 3 months he would have alluded to it, after going through all the effort …. but he has not.


I’m undecidedanon on if this was Q or a psychopath trying to scare me… but either way, intredasting.

Anonymous ID: 3b04ee Oct. 5, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.3347410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7483



I’m not worried. Badass if it was from Q, and I could care less if TDS suffering cowards want to stalk me…… But with three months having passed and the stalker not alluding to it, makes me wonder. He has no problem posting all the stuff he stalks about me, but hasn’t mentioned knowing where I live or any references to the letter, which seems out of character for a malignant sociopath