Anonymous ID: c03d53 Oct. 5, 2018, 9 a.m. No.3347565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7633


I was around live for that. It was showing how trump and Q were communicating with twitter in order to get deltas and key changes for us to know they were deltas.

EI Confirmed that trump mistakes on twitter were codes and time stamps matter. Watching that live actually made my wife believe this was legit. that it was real and people were helping.

from there I believe we had the deltas. Then I cant remember who but someone clicked with the 12/07 but before there was a 111 days

the 111 days works with the clock but the clock itself be simple or complex depending on how far you can go based off the drops.

a little bit of critical thought and you are in with key words to the depth of each subject.

For example the one I posted there explains the story of Brennan and Avenatti and their hands in the attack on Trump. The one where they launched the missle.

See trump mistake in the twitter that day was IP

Isanotski peaks on Whitby island.

WHO REALLY is MA? Michael Avenetii or however you spell that faggot fucks name.

the clock also goes way deeper into some other shit that is fascinating, OG pic, threat.

Like kek Q KNEW about China, the cars (pics of cars is China DiFi) he even put FORD.

FUCKING FORD DiFi China Spy CIA clown bitch ass mother fuckin traitors.



They truly have it all

NSA TECH with some Fucking time warp type shit.



It is shit like that that shows this shit is real.

that people dont want to see; look deeper and understand that the whole purpose of these months to PROVE, to create a TRUST.


anyway; I have enjoyed every second.

I don't know about some of you but depending on how drastic your life has changed but mine has gone 180 in a good way.

excited for the future.

Anonymous ID: c03d53 Oct. 5, 2018, 9:05 a.m. No.3347636   🗄️.is 🔗kun


:57: - Sept 28

:58: - Sept 29

:59: - Sept 30

:00: - Oct 1

:02: - Oct 2

:03: - Oct 3

:30: - Oct 30




Movie Alice in Wonderland


I've always wondered if what we are doing here is affecting us in another time and space…


Anonymous ID: c03d53 Oct. 5, 2018, 9:10 a.m. No.3347718   🗄️.is 🔗kun





how don't you know that somewhere down the line in a different time line that this marriage secures a ancient blood line that back here in the past actually revitalizes a different time line which is needed in order to secure our freedom.


what if its bigger then autists know