Sorry, I was heavily into solving the [markers] back in Dec/Jan, I must have just read those posts 100s of times kek.
And I remember that second post well
>pic related
Sorry, I was heavily into solving the [markers] back in Dec/Jan, I must have just read those posts 100s of times kek.
And I remember that second post well
>pic related
>Q put his reputation on this 53-47
Shill spotted.
Jesus you guys are so obvious with your "whip anons up into a frenzy if the vote doesn't match and insist that this was a 100% guarantee by Q that definitely referred to the vote count" strategy.
Seriously isn't it depressing to be so fucking bad at your job?
53-47 = 6
Justice Kavanaugh will be voted on and confirmed on October 6th.
Low IQ faggots like you jump to conclusions and think in the binary, which is why you can never seem to keep up.
It's fucking exhausting just watching you try.
>I am sayn its pointless to argue beforehand
I agree, but a lot of shills are using this as their divisionfag / concernfag topic du jour.
Missing important events in your life and not being there for your family because you aren't capable of balancing your work isn't something to brag about.
That's a weakness.