Anonymous ID: fa9fa8 Oct. 5, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.3347247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7258 >>7654

>>3346853 pb

now this part im not clear on, so you may want to dig around, but ive seen a video of one guy coating in pure silicone grease, but HAS to be pure, you have even a scintilla of pertrleum in there your getting a high pressure deisel explosion in your face.


those he said were just whatever sized steel ball bearings ordered off amazon, but were like 20+ grams so you could have some trouble getting adequate velocity.


should be able to with right sized marbles as well.


you can also buy solid pre fabbed "first strike" shaped projectiles and add whatever weight you want behind the skirt.


technically if it fits and slides down the barrel safely, and is not metal on metal, you should be fine.


depending on bore size candy jawbreakers actually could work, not sure the weight there, but again when it comes down to it all you need to do is temporarily disable any would be assailant to finish the job hands on.


self defense and the means to is a neccessity in this day and age.


that SHOULD be a basic god given human right.


but like i said i was a total piece of shit dumbfuck growing up and got myself in a lot of trouble.


big pharma, big cartel drugs, big clown cocaine, big corrupt local agencies, big sketchy niggers in my home town breaking into my house yet when we even my FATHER would call the cops they would be more concerned with if a high school stoner had any weed around than my kicked in doors and thousands of dollars in losses and damages. big mistakes on my part, mroe so than any, but litterally ever cop on my side of town growing up should be in jail.


DEA agents kids selling drugs im all but sure they got from the DEA.

they were VERY good drugs.


then same regional task force headed by same people come after you...


be like buying drugs from a crackhead who moonlights an undercover who then cuffs you up for said drugs.


when the dust settles i hope they get theres eventually.


can never return to that entire part of the country, never would, never want to.


still be nice to be ABLE to.



never shot an actual "paintball" in my life, never intend too.

do some physics research, even a 3 gram pepper ball at 300 fps is a 50 mph fast ball.


were talking triple that, with lead, not rubber, not paint.


to be fair, i would take a rubber bat if i had to.


i done more hard time then you did in highschool bucko, i can end a life with a tooth brush or melted soda bottle.


and that's not even where creativity or critical thinking comes into play.

Anonymous ID: fa9fa8 Oct. 5, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.3347693   🗄️.is 🔗kun


seriously guys. Q team i have absolute faith in what's unfolding, but i really hope these guys have ALL the back up they need and THEN SOME.

the most dangerous situations always end up being unruly mobs, riling eachother up, feeding off the chaos…

i'm feeling for all Our Brave Men & Women in DC right now, cities are hell as it is. this is a boiling point.

Anonymous ID: fa9fa8 Oct. 5, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.3347957   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i think bush sr is both an et and a demon and definitely abducted his fair share to say the least.

saw that evil gangly fuck in a dream, closest thing to a nightmare i ever had. right around when whatever celebrity posted about to.

freaked me the fuck out, mannnnn.