Anonymous ID: 53784f Oct. 5, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.3348070   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No longer: [C]entral [I]ntelligence [A]gency


Not all, but many of you; failed to Support & Defend The Constitution of The United States of America against ALL enemies foreign and domestic >You became those domestic enemies.


As a patriotic veteran & God fearing, deeply caring, but take no BS conservative, I WAS NOT & AM NOT the domestic enemy you so deviously portrayed in your 'Mockingbird' MSM, TV & MOVIES. True godly meekness is not weakness. It is strength w/ skills & abilities utilized w/ honorable, level-headed, restraint & control. You've mistaken our meekness & restraint for weakness.


Just look at all the havoc & suffering that is wreaked in the hands of 'Evil Strength' like yours. It is completely beyond me how you even live with yourselves. Repent


No, I'm a dedicated sheep-dog determined to protect the weak & The Lone Star State & The USA - out of love for my Creator & my neighbor.


C_A & Shadow Government subversives: You dishonored your oath & betrayed us - We The People - & The Republic. You are the worst kind of dishonorable scum. Repent



Due to years of Dedicated Patriotic digging, research & posting, by autists & anons diligently searching for the Truth, in conjunction & collaboration w/ Q Clearance anon team:


The old C_A is replaced with: The [C]ivilian [I]ntelligence [A]nalysts - of We The People (as it should be).


"Transparency belongs to Government. Privacy belongs to The People." James O'Keefe


As dark as the rabbit hole might be, I Choose be honorable & dedicated to my fellow patriots and the cause of Truth, Freedom, Justice & protection of the innocent of our nation. And I honor & acknowledge ALL other Patriots in their respective nations who, hold dear, these principles that we hold dear.


Truth, Freedom & Love For Our Fellow Man

