Anonymous ID: 069fc8 Oct. 5, 2018, 2:01 p.m. No.3352347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2418 >>2422 >>2426


Q knows the timeline(s).

Q knows what actions to take to direct the current timeline into a desirable timeline.

Q is driving the timeline(s).

Anons are helping Q do this with our memetics.

Q understands cause and effect to a degree never believed possible.

How Q does this, anons do not exactly know, although several hypotheses have been advanced.

I call it predictive analytics.

With enough data, and enough computing power, it is possible to calculate the future trajectory of human history.

Just like some of the quant hedge funds have been able to deploy neural networks to calculate future stock prices, and profit year after year after year. Their models using as inputs huge databases of of current events.

I believe they are doing something like this.

They may also have technologies that can "see" a little ways into the future or along alternate timelines.

Quantum computing may also play a role.