Anonymous ID: 2164d3 Oct. 5, 2018, 1:34 p.m. No.3351872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1887 >>1891 >>1908 >>1917 >>1932 >>1963 >>1983 >>2063 >>2444



Trump and Putin play a brilliant game of chess:

ISrael is spared for last.


because of their Samson option: nuking everybody instead of going down alone.


To not alert Israel, Putin and Trump seemingly engange in conflict over Syria. Putin puts in S300 and Missile Systems, Trump shifts Troops, Putin sends ships, Trump again some troops and Spec Ops.


Until a certain moment in time - these forces combine their efforts to sudden strike Blitzkrieg against Israel from there.


Before they know what happens, US/RUS Forces destroy the zionists once and for all and free the world of the evil homeland.


I know the theory is lacking evidence support and is a bit simple, but that could be whats going on here, or could it?