Anonymous ID: dd3385 Oct. 5, 2018, 1:34 p.m. No.3351877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1897 >>1901 >>1985 >>2017 >>2095 >>2131 >>2354 >>2407 >>2415

Q is fake and so are half of the replies to his posts.


While the left buses in thousands of people and pays them to hold up pre-printed signs and shirts for the media, all to project an illusion to the public to justify decisions made for the deep state, right wingers are being larped the same way, right on this forum. You are constantly told to "Just wait, trust the plan, it's going to happen, are you ready? really soon! we have the tapes, etc." for 2 fucking years now with fake replies to give right wing activists the illusion of having influence and doing activism.


While the left is importing illegals, refugees, "hurricane victims" and registering them to vote, busing them from poll to poll, and banning you from every website that the mainstream media is forced to report on because the internet has become too big to ignore. You are relegated to this obscure forum that everyone pretends doesn't exist, out of sight and out of mind, your activism goes down the memory hole and no one has to acknowledge you.


How can you not see that this is the most obvious CIA operation meant to buy them time while they set the stage for deep state operations on your elected officials and further the demographic shift they need to retain power? Answer me right now you cowards and paid posters.