Anonymous ID: 4d31e8 Oct. 5, 2018, 2:30 p.m. No.3352744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2782 >>3087


He and family have historically been extremely compromised. He gets a pass for now bc the stuff w him is just too easy to rsch. It actually gets far worse if you keep rsching. Mossad bank loans. Approached China for a loan for 666 building, only fell through after Congressmen wrote authorities to question the deal. Netanyahu occasionally stays at his parents house when in NY. His dad did time for paying a prostitute to set up his bro in law bc he was about to testify against him in court. The prosecutor might have been Chris Christie(no shit).

Q+ is smart enough to have vetted him thoroughly though if he is a part of this. That said he'd have had to put an end to a Mossad dynasty and become a supporter of American sovereignty, and he'd have had to turn on close friends of his father like Netanyahu(do we believe that?). Unless Netanyahu is now free from the Cabal? Is that the reason for all of the shade thrown at him and his wiife over the past couple of years?

It's a strange family and situation for sure. Would love more answers from Kushner on it all, he owes the country that at this point.

Anonymous ID: 4d31e8 Oct. 5, 2018, 3:06 p.m. No.3353305   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Not attempting to speak ill of anyone. If I was I could go further w him. My point is we can't just dig selectively. Trust but verify has always been our friend. A number of people including myself warned the campaign about Manafort when they made the move to put him in as campaign mgr..Please forgive me but where were JS and MF on that one? Q+ says he was placed in the campaign. Proving they make mistakes too. I will question everyone and not apologize for a second. If you want to know my honest belief, it's that Kush is so historically compromised that the only way to redeem himself and his family is to be a signif part of Q+ team and go to war with them and us. I also think he has 2 ppl his age on the team and ill leave it at that. As I said he gets a pass bc he would have been vetted thoroughly.