Anonymous ID: ad3741 Oct. 5, 2018, 2:41 p.m. No.3352933   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Can someone give me a rundown/ confirm ElsaGate information for me?


From what I understand it's a Clown operation run through YouTube which implements MKULTRA learnings to program kids though their early formative years onward to create within them:


Learned Helplessness



Fear or acceptance of specific themes



Across just about every video medium, 2d animation, 3D, live action. It appears much of the content is mass generated with some sort of AI, the scale seems too massive to be created by hand.


There appears to also be codes contained within some for trafficking ops as well.


Learning about this was just about the black pill for me. Am I on target or am I missing any aspects?