Anonymous ID: 8436b6 Oct. 5, 2018, 3:49 p.m. No.3353898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3971 >>3984

This is evil, on it's face. It is wrong. Our Founding Fathers did not contemplate the possibility that the whole world would be sending in money through non profit corporations, to pay off jackals to have their way with the good people we send to Washington to represent us.

This has to stop. But how?

What can we do to get tough on the snakes, and protect the people we send to Washington from blackmail set ups, threats, and yes, some have been murdered over these years?


1) Privacy is for citizens, not for the governing bodies, except in cases of war/intelligence gathering, where lives need to be protected. Yet, just about EVERYTHING is classified to cover (((their))) criminal activity. One can literally argue at this point that all this secrecy in government has become a THREAT to our legislators very lives, because they are being forced to work in the dark.

I think MURKOWSKI and everyone in her shoes should be required to wear a wire and record every conversation. Let the globalists try to have words with our good people in the light, not the dark.

Imagine how many threats would never happen.

Imagine how hard it would be for (((them))) to write laws for us to live by, behind closed doors, and slap our inquiring legislators with "You can know what is in the bill AFTER you pass it, as was done with Obama Care.

How DARE they.


2) I think our legislators need an anonymous place to drop info they have to us, to we the people, if they are threatened, or, as in many cases, invited to a party, drugged, thrown in bed with someone for a blackmail set up. I think every legislator should be able to yell for help the morning after, or, the minute they receive ANY blackmail evidence. Who to? To us. We the people.


We are the only safe place to run to, in this age of politicized agencies full of murderous threatening jackals.


3) If they have to discuss intelligence, or sensitive material, let them do it in a SCIF or other place where the evil ones can not get to them. Somewhere safe.


4) It's high time they all have security detail too. Remember the baseball game shoot out? If rep. Scalise did not have special security detail, where would the Republican team be today? Yeah. 6 feet under.

Same with the attempt to kill them all with that train derailment. After all of that, HOW is it that all of those random people were able to bust down our legislators doors and trap them in elevators?????


It's time to protect our legislators from the evil ones among them, and from murdering criminals within our borders. It's time to defend them the way we defend our president now. It is time to have them actually write the legislation WE want without living in fear for their lives, cow-towing to corporate criminals, international or domestic.


4) Just to be sure we are not accidently voting in DUAL citizens with allegiance to another nation, or, new criminal legislators with an agenda, I think background checks should be done on every legislator BEFORE they are allowed to put their name on any ballot in any state.


Give them the same treatment that a Supreme Court nominee gets. Keep the Jackals away from them, by never putting (((them))) on the ballot. We also need background checks on every long term agency employee stat. Time to drain the swamp in a big way.

Anonymous ID: 8436b6 Oct. 5, 2018, 4 p.m. No.3354038   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Totally Agree. We need the internet version of the "public square" under the Supreme court rulings. Do you have links where anons can learn about this?