Anonymous ID: 106e09 Oct. 5, 2018, 4:21 p.m. No.3354370   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lot's of wild speculation last bread about Red October.

I think you need to start by watching the movie

Hunt for Red October

And also read about the true story here


Second Russian Revolution?

Paralllels the Second American Revolution, doesn't it?

And some people in the Soviet Union did have a STEALTHY UNDERGROUND op going on

Because in 1991 they had that Second Russian Revolution

And it was pretty UNCONVENTIONAL

With only about 2 weeks of civil war concentrated in Moscow

Near the Parliament buildings and some Moscow region military bases.


The USA still has military officers in place who are traitors

At this point I believe they are all known, but rounding them up


Anonymous ID: 106e09 Oct. 5, 2018, 4:33 p.m. No.3354575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4592 >>4620 >>4639 >>4655 >>4680 >>4706 >>4781

An Anon brought up a very wise parallel between

Stealth Jeff

And the submarine Red October.


I think he just about nailed it.


The Hunt For Red October definitely did refer to

Using the enemy's weapons against them.

But that was one meaning

Another one was the HUNT for a deep state insider

A DEFECTOR who would spill the beans

Stealth Jeff was in charge of Silent Running submarine operations

He got a US Attorney working on the case with 470 lawyers


He got a Grand Jury kicked off and working


And he found himself a Red October. So the "Hunt of" was done.

James Baker has already testified to the GJ and it was EXPLOSIVE

This was the first BOOM for the first week of Oct on the 3rd






This now refers to THIS MONTH

The SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION against the corrupt state of the Tsar Payseur.


On the 11th we will see Destruction [RR] and [Mueller]

And the edifice of Russia collusion crumbles to dust


On the 19th is Surrender and the Arrests begin with a perp walk

On the 27th it WILL BE MAGICAL and the 4th BOOM.


After that there are 3 more weeks to go


A Week To Remember as Trump's campaign cranks up

And he likely will have more than one rally every day

Then Dark to Light on the week of the Election as the Dark Dems

Are wiped out by the Red Tsunami

And then, on the week of the 11th

The MIlitary Parade. But you won't see it because a BLACKOUT IS NECESSARY

Be glad you don't see it. Because the military will be parading

The Corrupt Criminals into custody.

Anonymous ID: 106e09 Oct. 5, 2018, 4:34 p.m. No.3354592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4811



Oh, I forgot

The whole plan that I detailed

Was written here…


3 Jun 2018 - 12:58:29 PM









Anonymous ID: 106e09 Oct. 5, 2018, 4:37 p.m. No.3354654   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Interesting that CNN fired the first shot

In the NEW Russia threat

No longer is it hackers

Now it is a nuclear military threat

An audacious plan like this could only be spearheaded

By the Payseur clan itself

And so it is

Because Anderson Cooper

Is a Vanderbilt

And the Vanderbilts

Are the Payseur clan in stealth

They are the Merovingian bloodline of France.

The descendents of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.


But, as Q says

We are in control

So I wouldn't worry about nuclear threats if I were you.