Anonymous ID: 9ca18f Oct. 5, 2018, 4:27 p.m. No.3354490   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3354088 (lb)

The Harry Potter Series is ultimately Christian allegory. The problem isn't the series; it's the fact that it appears to be the only heroic literature this generation has read. They want to believe they are knights fighting evil (tbh, who doesn't?), and this is the only language they can find to tell themselves that they are good and the Other is EVILLLLLL! and ""important"" that because the stakes are cosmic, "anything goes" in this "no holds barred" warfare. They could have read Narnia or Middle Earth or other things and found a heroic template, but they (lowest common denominator of them) only read this one series during their formative years.


Long story short, they are artistically impoverished, and they want to believe they are so good and the evil is so evil, that no limits exist on their words or tactics. Kind of like free love, but for political activism. The fact that their hero's author is, in public, a ghastly chiding liberal in the model of Hussein just validates them in their adult beliefs.