Anonymous ID: bf3675 Feb. 11, 2018, 5 a.m. No.335823   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Nice rant! Got to explore this statement of yours a little further, though.

>"There is only ONE thing - survival based on TRUTH."

I agree with you except that these days the word "truth" has to be defined. So many have fallen into the post-modernist trap that truth is relative or that truth can be personal and subjective. That's a lie.

Truth is objective and absolute.

Without a correct understanding of what the word "truth" means, it is impossible to make meaningful claims concerning truth.

So here (in a very condensed form) is a definition of truth that has served me well for many years.

Truth is a second order to facts; by which I mean that truth is the 100% accurate COMMUNICATION of facts (existence and events, which are the first order) by one sentient being to another. It is not the facts themselves, which simply ARE, whether communicated or not. Hence we talk of, the truth ABOUT xyz. Furthermore, since no human has the ability to know and communicate anything with 100% accuracy, it follows that truth is an attribute of an eternal, omniscient, omnipresent, sentient being. Which is why Jesus, who is God-become-man, is able to claim with absolute authority, to be THE TRUTH. Apart from divine revelation/communication it is not possible for humankind to know truth - at least, not with any certainty, since no human is eternal, omnipotent and omnipresent such that he may claim to know anything with any degree of certainty. We cannot even claim to know ourselves (if we're honest) never mind those existences and events beyond ourselves.

Therefore, by faith, we believe Jesus is God-made-man and that He is THE TRUTH, THE LIVING WORD, THE LIFE and THE LIGHT and that everything He is, says and does is necessarily TRUTH.

Anonymous ID: bf3675 Feb. 11, 2018, 5:27 a.m. No.335919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6132 >>6158



Quoting from the above linked article:

"The program based out of Purdue University’s Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulation Laboratory is titled Sentient World Simulation (SWS). This 9-page PDF released by Purdue itself describes the project in adequate detail.


The simulator has taken the spying that Snowden publicized, one step further. The program has amassed databases so profound they can now look so deep into a person’s life they can predict their thoughts and future actions with relative certainty. Although this system is incredibly intrusive and raises many moral concerns, it provides valuable insight into questions which could be extremely beneficial. It’s unclear as to weather all the private-sector efforts towards transparency (including some noteworthy AI projects at Microsoft) will have any effect on the direction and intensity of public-sector surveillance.


By gathering enough intelligence SWS is capable of producing realistic simulations of various different scenarios such as natural disasters, foreign and domestic attacks, resource shortages, and hazardous economic trends. The program, once finished will utilize the information from its colossal database to create these hypothetical situations, predict possible outcomes, and test the effectiveness of various responses. Researchers hope the system will be able to provide effective answers to complex questions which baffle the most skilled thinkers and will create more efficient methods of responding to catastrophes."


I have no doubt that whoever is behind the Q Team has run a few simulations as to how revelations concerning Deep State, Cabal, Clintons etc will be received by global populations. I have a suspicion that for popular reception to allow a Q-Team/white-hat win, it is essential to prepare hearts and minds to receive the information in such a way as to ensure a positive outcome, and that we are very much spear-heading this essential mental shift. Twitter is one of the battlegrounds where we have to win hearts and minds.