With friends like the Aussies and Brits, I'd like to be friends with the Russians! Is Putin still giving away land to westerners? =)~
Sheet. I hope our space based whatevers can protect China from a nuke strike!
Doesn't he have to eat something fairly soon?
I think they got it, but who knows what they got.
Ha. Ford's "friend" was in on it but got cold feet. Now claiming she was pressured to change her statement. Sauce = Fox. Go after the C_A sleeper woman!
Programming and the false logic of "A woman can do whatever she wants to her body."
Israel is soooo powerful, you'd think their country would be bigger and richer! Jews are only a small part of the cabal.
Who… cares?
There's probably several regional cabals out there, all loosely allied. We will be playing whack-a-mole for years to come. Buy popcorn stock!