Senator from Alaska is about to decide her own fate
She is losing – and as the truth comes out – she will deal with her own shame.
She needs a quick save or DOWN SHE GOES.
Senator from Alaska is about to decide her own fate
She is losing – and as the truth comes out – she will deal with her own shame.
She needs a quick save or DOWN SHE GOES.
She will live with her shame very publicly.
There is too much evidence.
She will get to eat lunch with Bernie
who did the same thing — balked when the going got rough.
The loss of her own good name –
is what is really at stake.
She loses.
Bernie was loved for his integrity.
He lost it ALL – when he endorsed Clinton.
Murkowsky just met the same fate.
Ford's two front doors
had more to do with an illegal rental unit
than with a repressed memory.
She needed a doctor's note to justify two front doors.
Lies upon lies.