Anonymous ID: 7c746e Oct. 5, 2018, 6:22 p.m. No.3356203   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6253 >>6274




Another opinion piece:

Every country has trouble with black hat cabals (just look at five eyes).

Trump has now met with: Kim Jung Un (frenz), Putin (Frenz), Xi (Frenz)… Don't you think that the leaders of these countries (Putin of which has been MOST vocal about satanic cabals etc), have come together to be a part of the "plan"

Trust the plan. It's Habbening. By exposing Chinese fuckery, Xi can then distance himself / China from these actions (once the time is ripe) and expose the cabal in their countries. ALTHOUGH America is the "first domino", once it begins it will all unwind from there.