Emily Best Linkedin
Emily arrived in the film business taking a circuitous route through restaurants, vision and values strategy, and the theater. After graduating Haverford College with a degree in Anthropology, Emily studied to be a jazz singer in Barcelona before being tapped to run restaurants in California. As the GM of Bistro 33 in Davis, CA, Emily increased the profit margin 2x in the $5M business, managed nearly 80 employees and implemented what would become a company-wide training program. She worked as a contractor for a fiscal responsibility policy non-profit in Sacramento before moving to NYC to work with her father at Best Partners, a boutique vision and values scenarios-to-strategy company. With Best Partners, Emily participated in strategy efforts for some of the world's leading financial institutions including Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank, as well as organizations such as PREA and the Tallberg Forum. All the while she continued to product and act in theater. In 2011, Emily produced her first feature film Like the Water (co-written by and starring Caitlin FitzGerald). The challenges and triumphs of that experience led her to found Seed&Spark, where she has been named one of IndieWire's Influencers of 2013.
sauce: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emily-best-0663964