Sculpture in Langley Virginia at CIA Headquarters. It references a "Q". Seems like some good digs, if not touched on before. Supposedly the "artist" intentionally misspelled the word "ILLUSION" as "IQLUSION" in the first passage. But later directly asked a "Q" a question in the 4th.
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Kryptos is a sculpture by the American artist Jim Sanborn located on the grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia. Since its dedication on November 3, 1990, there has been much speculation about the meaning of the four encrypted messages it bears. Of the four messages, the first three have been solved, while the fourth message remains as one of the most famous unsolved codes in the world. The sculpture continues to be of interest to cryptanalysts, both amateur and professional, who are attempting to decipher the fourth passage. The artist has so far given two clues to this passage.