You cant not help ANYBODY until they are ready to receive help. Kind deeds accomplish nil.
The case that will come before the SC is one concerning trying civilians in a military court and executing them. In the case of a 4/4 tie the issue would have gone back to a state SC. Many still controlled by progressive liberals.With Justice K the decision will be "full speed ahead"
The goal of communism is world rule. China is a communist regime. The former Soviet Union was a communist regime. The current country of Russia is not communist. Communist, here or abroad, are no friend of America.
The jews have always claimed to be the chosen "race" but there are not a race, they are white. If the jews can convince people to breed inter-racially or otherwise kill the white christian population the only white left on the planet will be jews. When jews are the only whites left they will declare themselves Gods chosen people and demanded to be treated as such in public. You will have to bow down, give your belongs to, or be spit on by jews….they are chosen not the mixed breeds. This is one end goal of the jews.