Our young people are not weak, and how dare you! you yell MSM, yet show you have no interaction with the young people of today!! You are highly offensive, and so glued to MSM, that you ignore the wonder of OUR youth in the USA.
Our young people are not weak, and how dare you! you yell MSM, yet show you have no interaction with the young people of today!! You are highly offensive, and so glued to MSM, that you ignore the wonder of OUR youth in the USA.
why does Q support export of unrefined oil, or refined fuels. Nat Gas should provide US..exporting such allows competition we do not want if we are to go it alone without global trade. eh?
we are at war with those that feed on being better than thou.
not really anything helpful, sorta just sounds like a wnnabe something…and you have won! you a Gold piece of Shit.
thinking is not a strong suit for you , am guessing?
i am glad to see a Democrat here, though you sound a bit aggressive. note, that many here are not of your sexual…desires.
aye! just saw it!
Cant spell CHINA without CIA.
we need some picts of beautiful Venezualean gals form before they are invaded. Venazulean people are a good people, once thier central bank is defeated, eh?
aye, you are right.
we are reaching the dangerous point, and you are right to point such out.
is China invading Venuzuala?