Anonymous ID: 9f5195 Oct. 5, 2018, 7:20 p.m. No.3357165   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hi im a journofag or a washed up ex hollywierdfag. I love Potus because, thanks to him my stock portfolio is doing fantastic.

Recently I made my way to 8 chan and I am lighting it up with my dry humor and ego.

I pity the cretins and muggles that were here before I arrived.

Now that I hang out here with my smarmy ass faggot millionaire friends the rest of you faggots can fuck off. I know all of you find me as charming and witty as I do.


I hope its not too apparent that I am completely out of touch with the majority of Americans and frankly could give a fuck as long as I stay rich.


I think I’ll smoke another cuban and bang another of my immigrant maids in my penthouse.

Enjoy your student loans and jobs at Starbucks.

Be a patriot like me.
