Anons are trolling CNN's Twatter hard! One of my fave memes stolen from there…
China cannot continue to exist as a major world power if they are no longer allowed to steal from us and to dump their shitty products in our country. Xi now understands that their game is over. And there aint shit he can do about it.
I also fell asleep listening to Pence. Had to replay the video. Nice guy, but boring. Important speech that everyone needs to listen to at least twice. Q is right, it gained no traction in the fake news media.
China is a huge part of the cabal. It seems many of our most powerful senators and other high-ranking officials took bribes from China. HRC, DiFi, DWS, and NoName were among the most egregious offenders. POTUS needs to squeeze these fuckers HARD!
Bring all the manufacturing back. Keep the tariffs up. FUCK China!
POTUS doesn't have to negotiate with China at all. The USA doesn't need China. We used to produce everything that we need right here in this country. We can do it again. Everything that the Chinese have was stolen from us. EVERYTHING!