As shown via Wikileaks, John Podesta was talking to Tamera Luzzato (aka Farmer L & Grand Tam) about the annual pool party at her farm. 3 children were to be Uber'd to the party as "entertainment". These exact same children were Tamera's grandkids, whom she was pimping out on her website Evie's Crib. On Evie's Crib, Tamera refers to herself & her grandkids as Grand Tam and the Luzzettes. She was selling "raw and uncut" time online with the children. She also had a censored version of a naked baby and offered the uncensored version to subscribers. The neighbor's child, Jack, was also being sold on this website. His parents are referred to as his owner. Essentially, the Podesta's brought over children who were being sold for child porn as entertainment. Although it was chilly enough to bring sweatshirts, it was noted the children would be in the pool for sure.
In addition, James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong that was exposed for playing a role in a prominent DC child trafficking ring (pizzagate/pedogate). Alefantis was present for the birth of Maeve (one of the grandkids) and may be a godfather. Him and the staff at Comet Ping Pong also attend parties at Tamera's farm (several instagram pics are of them bringing infants including Caris James).Joshua Ryan also attends these parties. He is a bartender at Comet Ping Pong ans the lead singer of the satanic transgender band called Homosuperior.
Tamera Luzzatto has many political connections and is high up at The Pew Charitable Trusts. John Podesta was Hillary's campaign manager and the secretary to several presidents.