Anonymous ID: 0a04a0 Oct. 5, 2018, 9:35 p.m. No.3359272   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Qqqqqqqq, I gotz a Question(s) 4ya!!


NK was controlled by DS (Ci azzhats) … is that also true with China?? Or does DS have complete control of China Gov?


R the hackers US Citizens (ci-) working in China that spoofed the hops locations to make it look like Russia was hacking? Or are they China Citizens trained by our 3 letter?

Was NSA working with china with regards to back door exploits revealed by Snowden in 2013?? what about routers & switches bought online & being shipped to 3 letter 4 back door exploits b4 going to customers??


Potus eating in the the Forbidden City… this doesnt add up.


was China doing a Honey Moon??? and didn't get their way? or did Potus make a deal & this is another Show?

w/ NK… u were direct in stating the circumstance. This time, it actually seems like the DS is the gov in China.

Anonymous ID: 0a04a0 Oct. 5, 2018, 9:47 p.m. No.3359457   🗄️.is đź”—kun


that would be awesome. new cars are becoming a piece of shit. gears are made of cheap metal.. sometimes there's plastic used, not durable, Japan use 2 be reliable… cars built after 2003 are crap compared to what the car companies made in the 90s.