Anonymous ID: aad328 Oct. 5, 2018, 9:12 p.m. No.3358905   🗄️.is 🔗kun





If it wasn't successful, full scale military take over and civil war 2.0 would have been unavoidable. We are making progress, and (((they))) are doing everything they can to obstruct and derail our plans.

PLAN: take out bad actors and principle criminals + pawns who prey on our children and women racially, religiously, etc. WW network being dismantled (human trafficking + more), arrests being made against ms-13 and others more aggressively. muzzies under constant watch.




4-6% now 5-7% at least. Time flies fast and (((they))) are revving up their pawns faster.

Anonymous ID: aad328 Oct. 5, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.3358975   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Considering Q dropped MSM future prepared narrative about "muh russia subs are lurking" etc, I think we must be constantly on guard against WA missile launch scenario 2.0 false flag.

Anyone got a good tracking website for maritime traffick/ship location? plane fags could do 24/7 watch and see if there are any out of the ordinary patterns concerning russia/china.

Watch out for israeli dolphin subs (trace) also.

Anonymous ID: aad328 Oct. 5, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.3359034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9078


if we can somehow get the minorities to simmer the fuck down and get the (((fifth column))) plus pawns (think muzzies) out at the same time, we are golden. with illegal processing/deportation centers being set up at naval bases + ICE continuing operations, it might even be possible to return to pre-1965 level and set forth a immigration policy that does NOT allow anchor babies, or give anyone a 'right' to immigrate.


WE are a nation of LAWS, and NO ONE but US are masters of our own nation.



Anonymous ID: aad328 Oct. 5, 2018, 9:29 p.m. No.3359171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9181


Money talks.

Infrastructure is harder to move than you think.

Once the artificial anti-american, anti-western factors in global trade market are gone, the flow is obvious.

We have over 300 americans. Somebody's going to be working.

People often take for granted that you are "supposed to work". Many need to understand that about 60% of the niggaz on this planet doesn't fucking follow that same mentality, and they are hard to whip up to shape than you think.

globalists love china for a reason and has been grooming it to be their number one host post ruination of the west.

West will be REVIVED, we will WIN, and our PEOPLE (read: white people) will have a future as masters of OUR nation.

Patriots WORLD WIDE.


Anonymous ID: aad328 Oct. 5, 2018, 9:35 p.m. No.3359283   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Give it a shot I'd say.

Seeds must be planted, at the right time.


(((who))) started the opium wars and profited from the ruination of china post 18th century?

Think sassoon family. roths.

(((who))) orchestrated and emboldened the japanese to attack and rape china?

jacob schiff + his successors.

mao was a globalist puppet that desecrated the last of his nation's traditions and massacred hundreds of millions under false communist (read: jewish bolsehvism) excuses. He was handled by them.


right now places like china and india are being groomed to globalist liking.

plied with candies after being thoroughly raped.

groomed after violation.


cut off from their past.


harder to reach because they are subsumed under globalist reward pile.


time will come when world will know the truth.