It's amazing how many of these (((shill niggers))) pop up with esoterica slide, then blow their cover right off the bat with poorly programmed bot algos.
Try, try as MOS might, they are FAILING.
It's amazing how many of these (((shill niggers))) pop up with esoterica slide, then blow their cover right off the bat with poorly programmed bot algos.
Try, try as MOS might, they are FAILING.
seconded, baker. Preciate your persistence and telling AFLB to go fuck itself.
Be wary of fungi, they tend to mutate and turn toxic under stress.
possible hormonal imbalance and mutation took place within that particular specimen.
serious, (((they))) literally just blew their shit before the baker.
now the fucking idiots are showing even newbies how the 'namaste' shit was 70% jidf slide from dec on.
heads up for mossad, namaste niggers are too busy fucking trees pretending it's the world tree to care about jewy jew of jew slide.
that piece of shit kaine is a complete tool and a punk ass faggot.
Virginia, do the right thing. RED WAVE.
>conveniently uses AFLB to shit on canucks along with unwitting anons
>supports the one fucking obvious mossad faggot shill post the next time it does anything
Both you (((shills))) have a meeting with the business end of our barrels.