Anyone got outside bet that China did 911.
They want us divided.
They want us to fight each other.
Where did the art of war come from?
Anyone see the twist coming that China did 911?
Anyone got outside bet that China did 911.
They want us divided.
They want us to fight each other.
Where did the art of war come from?
Anyone see the twist coming that China did 911?
It would appear this was a huge clue regarding China.
Any of the 'glowing' materials could be traced back would be a problem.
What if China ultimately controls the media?
What if China ultimately feeds the disinfo about Saudi? Blumenthal wanted to obfuscate with DECLAS.
They want us divided.
Who was HRC giving all the intel to?
Who looks to be innocent of every conspiracy?
This will be the ultimate twist and because anons believe in what is dividing them so deeply, they are missing who invented the art of war and who plays the longest game.
And who changed history the most.
And who has been buying all the land in NZ.
And who has the biggest trade imbalance with the US.
And who owns more collateral liability of US debt than anyone.
China is the big boss and anons are blinded by not seeing it coming.
Who are anons not blaming for any conspiracy?
Who was HRC's boss?
Who does DiFi work for?
Who does Biden and his kid work for?
Who made Barry come out of the arse of the plane?
China had access to 5 Eyes via HRC and NZ and spy chips.
Whose phones were banned?
Who is instigating and benefiting the most from the 16 year plan to destroy the US?
Certainly not Israel. America falls, they are fucked.
It's China and their division fagging had us all looking everywhere else.
Art of War.
They had the US bomb Japan with two atomic weapons.
HRC had them clean out the clowns who were working to fight them.
It was China.
We don't hear much about Mongolia.
Perhaps they run China.
Facebook has the planet by the balls and is run by the wife of MZ.
Who is the best at internal censorship?
Who is Google working for?