Just catching that pence speech now.
[16:45] DEBT DIPLOMACY jumped out at me.
Re: Sri Lanka
China lends shit ton of $ to Sri Lanka to build a port. Sri Lanka couldn’t afford the costs long term, so they handed over the port to China. Will eventually become military base.
^EXACT formula described by John Perkins in his books. “Confessions of an economic hitman” & “secret history of an American Empire”.
They are about how the U.S. became so powerful.
Perkins was recruited by C_A to provide bogus favorable economic forecasts to third world countries on behalf of U.S. corps, in order to convince them to take loans from world bank & IMF. Funds would be routed back to U.S. Corps to do the construction.
They would build critical infrastructure. I.E. hydroelectric dams, ports, powerplants, etc. Inevitably, countries would default on loans. They would then hand over control of critical infrastructure to the U.S. corps as debt forgiveness, and pay off the country leader leadership. If they didn’t comply, they’d send in the “jackals” and 187 the non compliant in plane crashes or overt Assassinations.
Personal thoughts: Strongly recommend reading these books for a more in depth understanding of debt diplomacy. Im sure Q has more to add. I’m sure Q has much much more.