Anonymous ID: 59507d Oct. 6, 2018, 12:06 a.m. No.3360833   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> The Communist Party in China is not real communism, just like the Democratic Party in the US is not real democracy. They both have good intentions in the beginning but got subverted by evil forces.


Both are subverted because super-rich don't want to lose control of the their cash cow populations with their gamed systems that suck populations dry. Both force people to spend all their time just trying to survive so they can't do anything to change the system.


It's easier to brainwash certain populations to think they have to be responsible for themselves, that they are "free," as the system they're trapped in makes life impossible economically.


The super-rich are especially afraid of a truly socialistic / communistic system, because it would destroy their ability to trap people economically. That's why they're really determined to fake out populations by poisoning the well with leaders positioned to destroy the political system from within.