Anonymous ID: 67ca22 Oct. 5, 2018, 11 p.m. No.3360300   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3360059 pb

>>>3360008 pb

>China had access to 5 Eyes via HRC and NZ and spy chips.

>Whose phones were banned?

>Who is instigating and benefiting the most from the 16 year plan to destroy the US?

>Certainly not Israel. America falls, they are fucked.

>It's China and their division fagging had us all looking everywhere else.

>Art of War.

>They had the US bomb Japan with two atomic weapons.

>HRC had them clean out the clowns who were working to fight them.

>It was China.


I must not be following something. So we have The Deep State (worldwide, Isreal), then we have China and Russia who wall themselves safely away from the DS. So HRC, and others, were working with any and everyone looking to deal. Wouldn't the cabal have issue with HRC working with China? Would they not take her out either politically or assassination? HRC wasn't the glue holding the cabal together, the office of the Presidency was. Why would the cabal back a President that was going to destroy their cash cow??

Anonymous ID: 67ca22 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:14 p.m. No.3360446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0564

I was maybe too quick to judge Pence a few breads back. I want to have a clearer picture of the overall landscape of what we are dealing with. Looking a little more carefully now I see that we have two major enemies working against us from different angles. It could very well be that Pence is on a separate mission with respect to the situation with China, while Q has been focused on the fight for our freedom from the cabal. This would explain why Pence is largely absent from the Q narrative up to this point.


This is no doubt a global war, a covert war that has many players and a very long past. The very notion that this is coming to light in my lifetime is truely a blessing. All of us knew something was majorly wrong, evil lurked everywhere, and the truth was hidden.


I trust the plan and all the players working for good. I also trust God has his protection surrounding all of us to see the plan through. Thank you and God Bless.

Anonymous ID: 67ca22 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:20 p.m. No.3360483   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Maybe we should start informing these people that we are still in a national emergency since 2001. Anyone found aiding an enemy of the United States will be subject to having all of their assets confiscated so he might want to be very careful whom he offers his free services to.


Kek Kek

Anonymous ID: 67ca22 Oct. 5, 2018, 11:41 p.m. No.3360650   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We need to quickly identify all sides of this story. I do not at all think Q is saying China is the head of the Deep State and all other conspiracies. We have multiple enemies working us from multiple angles and the traitors were aiding each one of them simultaneously.


China was working to destroy us economically and internally divide the population. They were working toward being the world's sole superpower and Clinton and Co were more than happy to sell us for some money.


The cabal was working to fully occupy and enslave us through banking, social structure, strip away rights, freedoms, protections.


Russia looks out for itself and would defend itself from US aggression (which would be cabal initiated agression).


This brings some problems between China and the ((Deep State)). We can't fall, we are their cash cow and China don't want to be apart of the Cabal or Central Banks. So that's why CIA were in China, they were either warlocks looking to protect the cabal, or possibly wizards looking to protect the United States.


Either way Clinton sold them out to be rooted and slaughtered. Damn, I dont really understand how she accumulated that much power to be able to play multiple sides of these powerful entities and they both pay her to do it. She must be, has to be somehow very closely tied to the tippy top of the pyramid, whether that be the Paysours, the black Pope, or the devil himself I really have no idea but I really want to know.