Anonymous ID: 9f6529 Oct. 6, 2018, 12:32 a.m. No.3361000   🗄️.is đź”—kun


first look for me a lot of that. thank you. so we ARE under martial law just without the public martial bit? these people are genuineness. who comes up with this stuff then finds the right people to carry it through? i wish these folks would think about organizing and motivating and leading our schools.


rene boucher was chipped? wow. wasn't he a pain specialist, worked for the army for a time? so the sentence of 30 days was…deep state messing with the replacement judge from michigan or a way to get boucher to talk and rand paul went along with it?


I knew it was attempted murder from day one anon you don't get injuries like that playing 90 minutes against the All Blacks you sure don't get them from a mere "tackle" even onto a rock. He pounded him i think and his background makes it even more sick…is he one of those Delta Monarch slaves, one of the killers?


well how did he happen to be living next to Rand Paul anyway?